Asked by: Ancuta Happach
Questioner General

What plants repel slugs and snails?

Many aromatic herbs repel slugs, such as rosemary. Marigolds and black-eyed Susan not only look beautiful, but deter slugs when bordering gardens. Other plants are resistant or less affected by slugs. These include astilbe, campanula, lobelia, phlox, ranunculus, and viola.
27 Related Question Answers Found

Azedine Dietze


Are there any plants that repel slugs?

These plants scents are said to deter slugs from entering an area where they are grown: Basil. Garlic. Lavender.

Aragones Ochovo


What deters slugs and snails?

  • Coffee Grounds. Coffee grounds spread round plants you want to protect do deter slugs and snails.
  • Beer Trap. Slugs love beer, apparently.
  • Eggs shells and sea shells.
  • Diatomaceous earth (DE).
  • Copper tape.
  • Slug repellent plants/Slug attractive plants.
  • Recycled wool waste pellets.
  • Nematodes.

Seedy Labaqui


What smells do slugs hate?

Plants that slugs hate
First up, if you really don't want slugs eating your plants, choose varieties that they dislike. Slugs seem also to be put off by the strong scent of Lavendula (Lavender), Rosemarinus (Rosemary), Foeniculum vulgare (Fennel) and Phlox paniculate (Perennial phlox).

Nona Idoeta


Will coffee grounds keep slugs away?

Coffee grounds are already recommended as a home remedy for keeping slugs and snails at bay. Grounds repel slugs, Hollingsworth found, but a caffeine solution is much more effective, he says: "Slugs turn back immediately after contacting the [caffeinated soil]."

Flore Deu


How do you get rid of slugs in your garden?

Method 2 Deterring Slugs
  1. Keep your garden dry.
  2. Create mulch or tea from certain plants.
  3. Make a copper strip barrier.
  4. Sprinkle salt on non-soil surfaces.
  5. Build folk remedy barriers.
  6. Grow plants that deter slugs.
  7. Consider using more powerful (but more hazardous) barriers.

Lizi Kaemmerer


Where do slugs hide during the day?

Slugs and snails hide in damp places during the day. They stay under logs and stones or under ground cover. They also hide under planters and low decks. At night they come out to eat.

Pingping Esipov


Do slugs eat impatiens?

Impatiens resist major pest infestations but occasionally slugs and black vine weevils chew on the leaves. Impatiens grow as perennials U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 10 through 11, but can be treated as annuals and grow in most areas.

Nigel Escanez


Will vinegar kill slugs?

A vinegar water mix or just straight vinegar will kill snails and slugs but must be sprayed directly on them. It works in the same way as salt does. Vinegar is an acid and dissolves the mucus soaked slime blobs we call snails and slugs. Put salt on a slug and the same thing happens.

Yongjie Groszmann


What attracts slugs to yard?

What Attracts Slugs & Snails
  • Wet Soil. Slugs love wet soil as they are highly vulnerable to dehydration.
  • Wooden Logs & Stones. In addition to wet soil, wooden logs and large stones may also attract slugs and snails as they make ideal shelters.
  • Tall Grass & Shrubs.
  • Nutrient-Dense Plants.

Nicasia Virella


What gets rid of slugs?

12 ways to get rid of slugs naturally
  1. Allow natural predators to thrive.
  2. Catch and release with a “hiding place” trap.
  3. Set up a beer trap.
  4. Employ grapefruit halves.
  5. Use ouchie eggshells.
  6. Put old coffee grounds to use.
  7. Sprinkle sand about.
  8. 8. Make tiny copper fences.

Lingfen Ciurlionis


How do I keep snails off my plants naturally?

How to Naturally Keep Snails + Slugs Out of Your Garden (Without Commercial Products)
  1. Remove them by hand.
  2. Add a layer of gravel, bark or wood chips to your garden beds.
  3. Water your garden in the morning.
  4. Add copper.
  5. Attract birds to your garden.
  6. Rescue chickens.
  7. Sprinkle broken eggshells.
  8. Sprinkle coffee grounds.

Abdeljaouad Jacobskotter


Does Epsom salt kill slugs?

Making a direct slug kill using salt will draw out the water from a slug's moist body, resulting in death by dehydration. Epsom salts contain magnesium, which is a nutrient most plants will utilize. Applying a band of Epsom salt around your beds or plants will work as a slug barrier.

Vilius Yrarreta


Are slugs good for the garden?

Slugs and snails are very important. They provide food for all sorts of mammals, birds, slow worms, earthworms, insects and they are part of the natural balance. Upset that balance by removing them and we can do a lot of harm. Thrushes in particular thrive on them!

Carmine Carrion


How do you keep garden snails?

To care for garden snails, mist them and the inside of their tank with water every other day, which will keep them moist so they don't dry out. Also, feed your snails washed fruits and vegetables every day.

Jeremias Clemen


Is slug repellent harmful to dogs?

Metaldehyde kills snails and slugs by causing them to dehydrate. “The active ingredient in most forms of slug pellets, metaldehyde, is highly toxic to both dogs and cats, and even very small amounts, if ingested, can lead to fatal clinical signs which progress very rapidly.

Ioan Winckelmans


Why are there so many snails in my garden?

Damp, cool conditions will attract snails. Unfortunately, most gardens require a moist environment to thrive, which makes them an attractive feeding ground for these pests. Mulch traps moisture, so you may need to temporarily remove such organic material from a bed if it's badly infested with snails.

Amine Abrabanel


What kills slugs on plants?

Use diatomaceous earth, crushed eggshells or copper wire around plants to create a barrier that slugs cannot cross. Put out bait – Put out bait such as a pan of beer or an upside down melon rind. The slugs will be attracted to the tender or liquid treat. With beer, they will drown in it.

Somiya Lopez De Armentia


How do you know if slugs are eating your plants?

Slugs will leave a slimy secretion where they have been, so even if you can't spot them, you'll know they are there. Look for slime both on plants and surrounding soil. It is easiest to see the trails of slime first thing in the morning.

Lorelei Painço


What is the best slug repellent?

How to get rid of slugs and snails
  1. Beer trap.
  2. Copper tape. The use of copper is also believed to be a good remedy for slugs.
  3. Egg shells. Crushed egg shells work as a great home remedy of slugs.
  4. Nutshells.
  5. Petroleum Jelly.
  6. Coffee.
  7. Seaweed.
  8. Grapefruit trap.

Aijuan Cashmore


How do you get rid of slugs and snails naturally?

7 Natural Ways to Get Rid of Snails & Slugs in the Garden
  1. Use a Natural Insect Spray. Use a natural pest control spray, such as the Dr. Earth spray, to repel snails and slugs in the backyard.
  2. Sprinkle Food-Grade Diatomaceous Earth.
  3. Set up a Beer Container Trap.
  4. Set up a Hiding Place Trap.
  5. Use Emptied Grapefruit Halves.
  6. Scatter Egg Shells.
  7. Introduce Natural Predators.

Alba Zannoni


What does salt do to slugs?

When you sprinkle salt on a slug, it mixes with the water in the mucus that the slug secretes to help it move around, creating a salt-water solution. If you use enough salt, the slug will lose so much water that it dehydrates, dies, and winds up looking pretty shriveled.

Iftikhar Estomba


Does lavender repel slugs?

Lavender. Slugs and snails are also known to have a dislike for plants with a strong fragrance, and lavender definitely gets up their collective nose. Whilst many humans adore the rich smell of lavender in their garden and around their home, garden-dwelling molluscs will be turned off.

Abdellaziz Bailon


Will cinnamon deter slugs?

Cinnamon is one of hundreds of examples, packing fragrant, antimicrobials into its bark. In fact, the same compounds that give cinnamon its flavour are also the active defence compounds. Traditionally, in Asia, it is sprinkled on to the soil of new seedlings and cuttings to prevent mould and mildew.

Elicerio Debus


How do you make caffeine spray for slugs?

Make very strong caffeinated coffee, then mix it half and half with water and put into a trigger or compressed-air sprayer. Spray on plants and the ground that snails & slugs travel on.

Zaraida Benito


How do I get rid of slugs around my house?

Make the ground unappealing to slugs. Add some tree bark around bushes or better still some gravel or fine grit. Avoid any type of ground-covering plants, as slugs are experts at hiding under them. Try planting flowers that don't trail along the ground, and keep the soil well aerated as you go.

Co-Authored By:

EveryThingWhat Staff Editor


25th January, 2020










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