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Hai means Yes but more importantly starting a sentence with Hai means (I will be speaking you.) Also, Wakarimashita (I understood.) doesn't mean (I already knew that.) but Hai, wakarimashita. is just a little more polite way of saying (I see.)
21 Related Question Answers Found

Aysha Coma
ExplainerHow do you reply to Wakarimashita?
If the person is saying "onegaishimasu" meaning "(I have told you my request so) please do it." then it's appropriate to reply "hai, wakarimashita." meaning "Yes, I understand (so you can count on me to do it.)" they may be askin u for help, or requesting an order.

Cassandra Siglen
ExplainerWhat does Domou mean?
doumo means thanks or a greeting like hi. doumo means thanks or a greeting like hi.

Annais Brosa
ExplainerWhat is Sumimasen?
If you only learn one Japanese word sumimasen (?????) isn't a bad choice. It can mean “sorry” or “excuse me”. It's used in a variety of common situations.

Xerman Junker
ExplainerHow do you reply to Onegaishimasu?
Generally the correct response is "yoroshiku onegai shimasu". Or "kochira koso yoroshiku onegai shimasu", if you want to get fancy. The subtext to the phrase is basically, "We're going to be dealing with each other frequently, so let's be on good terms", and saying it back indicates you feel the same way.

Gabina Verjano
ExplainerWhat does Wakata mean in English?
Yes, I understand" (lit. I understood [what you just said to me]). The WAKATTA version is simply the informal or casual way of saying WAKARIMASHITA. You would say WAKATTA when speaking with your friends, family, and other times that you are speaking casually.

Fethi Belot
ExplainerIs it rude to say arigato?
as the reply. Please note that some people consider 'Domo.' is a little bit rude. It would be better to use 'Arigato.' when you say “Thanks” to your friends.

Khadi Mattiesen
ExplainerHow do you respond to arigato gozaimasu?
When some one says '?????????? ARIGATŌ - GOZAIMASU' to you in Japanese, what should you say in return. Arigato gozaimasu means 'Thank you.' Well, you just say '?? ???????Iie, ITASHIMASHITE'. [You are welcome.]

Edna Nocel
ExplainerCan you just say domo?
DOMO is a word used to stress your feelings, but you can use it in other ways, too. DOMO means "very". You can also use DOMO as a greeting like "hello". And just saying DOMO can mean a casual way of "thank you" like thanks.

Khadouj Cassapo
ExplainerWhat is the meaning of Domo arigato?
Domo arigato (???????? Dōmo arigatō) (pronounced [do?ːmo a?i?gatoː]) is a Japanese phrase meaning "Thanks a lot" or "Thank you very much". Domo arigato may also refer to: Domo Arigato (film), a Japanese 3-D film. Domo Arigato (album), by the Durutti Column.

Raeann Aleixandre
ExplainerHow do you say arigato in Japanese?
Arigato (arigatou): In Japanese, it can be written as ????? . ????? (Arigato) is the most common way to say "Thank you" in Japan, but strictly speaking, it's more like 'Thanks" if you translate in English. For formal occasions, ?????????? (Arigato gozaimasu) might be more appropriate. Japanese .

Dictina Zemella
ExplainerWhat do Japanese say when you leave a store?
Within minutes of entering Japan, virtually all tourists encounter the phrase "Irasshaimase!" (????????!), meaning "Welcome to the store!" or "Come on in!." The phrase "Irasshaimase!" is a more polite version of irasshai, an imperative form of the honorific verb irassharu (??????) which means "to be/come/go".

Analia Westhues
ExplainerHow do you write arigatou Gozaimasu in Japanese?
You may already know the expression ????? Arigatou or its full form ?????????? Arigatou gozaimasu. But there are many more ways to show your gratitude! Thank you (This is more polite than ????? Arigatou.)

Nawar Fossati
ExplainerDo Itashimashite ???
"DO ITASHIMASHITE" - "You're welcome."
When someone thanks you by saying "ARIGATOO" or more politely "ARIGATOO GOZAIMASU," you can reply by saying "DOO ITASHIMASHITE." Note: In the system of romanization used in this section, "ee" is not pronounced like feet.
Sinue Loyer
ExplainerHow do you respond to Arigato?
The standard reply is "???????"(dou itashimasite), a formal way to reply to “arigatou gozaimasu” or “ doumo arigatou gozaimashita.” I often hear Japanese people say ??????(doumo doumo), a very convenient phrase which can means many things such as : hello, thank you, never mind, your welcome, good bye, etc.

Fani Bernevuer
ExplainerHow do you introduce yourself in Japanese?
To introduce yourself in Japanese, say "Watashi no namae wa Sarah desu," which translates to "My name is Sarah." For a shortened, less formal introduction, you can just say "Sarah desu." You can also say "Hajimemashite," which means "Nice to meet you."

Mariuta Ertl
ExplainerWhat is the meaning of Gozaimasu?
It's just the casual “Good morning,” 'Ohayo' with 'gozaimasu' at the end. The word 'gozaimasu' is a very polite expression and can roughly be translated as “am,” “is,” or “are” in English. The phrase “ohayo” comes from an adjective, “hayai” meaning “early” and it literally means “it's early.”

Irwin Caiño
ExplainerHow do you apologize in Japanese?
You can make it more formal by saying "gomen-nasai" ?????? or more friendly with "gomen-ne" ????. "Warui warui" ???? or "my bad" is also a very casual way to say sorry. "Sumimasen" ?????, which can be translated as "excuse me", also works as an apology depending on how it is used.

Ihsane Bootello
ExplainerWhat does Dou Itashimashite means?
- Dou itashimashite. is the standard phrase meaning "You are welcome." However, saying "dou itashimashite" means you've accepted the thanks, and this can sound like you deserve the thanks.

Kristin Aldehoff
ExplainerWhat is Wakarimasen in English?
wakarimasen is used with desta if you are saying it as a reply to what has been said before. so if someone said something and you don't understand it, you say."gomenasai demo, wakarimasen deshta, mo ichi do itte kurasai" which means "i am sorry but i didn't understand what you said, please repeat it one more time".

Irama Pfaffen
ExplainerHow do you pronounce Sumimasen?
The word "Sumimasen" written ????? is often pronounced "Suimasen" or ?????. The second version, "Su-i-ma-se-n," is a commonly heard colloquial contraction of the basic apology "Su-mi-ma-se-n".

Marin Calso
ExplainerWhat is the Japanese word of welcome?
What is the Japanese word for 'welcome'? - Quora. Alex Roma, Half-Japanese, native speaker, lived in Japan. ???????? irasshaimase is a polite form for welcome, and it comes from the word ?????? irassharu, which means “to come”, or “to be somewhere”.
25th January, 2020